
A Guide for the Common Man


Gastrointestinal Diseases (GI) are conditions that affect the gastrointestinal tract, including the oesophagus and stomach, the small and large intestines and the rectum, as well as the accessory digestive organs such as the liver, the gallbladder, and the pancreas. The gastrointestinal tract is responsible for the breakdown of food to enable the body to absorb and direct nutrients to maintain health. Diagnosis and treatment of GI diseases can significantly affect an individual's health and well-being. This article aims to provide an easy way to understand an overview of GI diseases, their underlying causes, symptoms, and treatments for the common man.

What are Gastroenterological Diseases?

Gastrointestinal diseases are conditions that affect the digestive tract, which runs from the mouth to the anus. GI diseases are of two types: functional and structural. In functional type, the gastrointestinal tract looks normal on examination but does not function properly. Structural gastrointestinal diseases, on the other hand, are those where the bowel looks abnormal on examination and does not work properly. If GI diseases are not diagnosed and treated properly, the inflammation spreads to the deep layers of the intestine, which is fatal.

Understanding Gastroenterological Diseases in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, gastroenterological diseases are often referred to as “Agnimandya." According to Ayurvedic principles, the development of gastroenterological diseases is attributed to an imbalance in the body's digestive and metabolic fire, Agni leading to vitiated Pitta dosha. Pitta dosha is responsible for the control of bodily movements and digestion. In gastroenterological diseases, imbalanced Pitta may result in symptoms such as excess generation of heat in the body, indigestion, acid reflux, and gas.


Diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders can have a significant impact on one's quality of life. However, with proper knowledge and treatment, one can experience relief from its bothersome symptoms. If one suspects they have gastrointestinal disorders or have difficulty managing their symptoms effectively, it is recommended to seek medical advice and treatment options that are tailored to their specific needs. With the right way of approach, one can lead a healthier and more comfortable life, despite this condition.

FAQs about Gastroenterological Diseases

It is possible that a lack of sleep can result in an increase in the number of microscopic bacterial organisms that can cause inflammation in the intestine, which can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms.

Any chest pain or discomfort can be frightening; however, if your symptoms are due to gas, you might notice your chest fullness or tightness. You might also notice that the pain goes all the way down to your stomach. For further assistance, it is advised to consult your healthcare provider.

Gut health is closely linked to the brain, as a diseased intestine can transmit signals to the brain and vice versa. As a result, an individual's stomach or intestinal discomfort may be the result of stress, anxiety, or depression.

To maintain a healthy gut, it is recommended to consume smaller portions of a balanced diet and to eat slowly. Drink plenty of water, maintain a healthy weight, manage stress levels, and limit alcohol intake. Additionally, dentures should be checked regularly, smoking should be avoided, and regular physical activity is a must.

If left untreated, gastroenterological diseases can cause malnutrition, dehydration, and internal bleeding. In severe cases, it can progress into intestinal cancer. So, it is advised to seek medical attention as early as possible.

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